The Run Must Go On
I know you see him in the back row of the photo - Proof that he was out there with us - his coaching team - at 5:30am or so, to be a part of the over-the-top-amazingness of tens of thousands of people lining up on Broadway, in Nashville, to take part in a "Super Workout" with "Super Trainers". H o w e v e rrrr... There was a run to be had, no time to spare, and a conscious choice not to put himself in the path of avoidable injury just days before THE DAY. So, what you can't see in the photo, below the team shirt, is the tight running shorts (I do love those shorts!) and the hydration belt, housing 4 aerodynamic water bottles, filled with his special concoction. Once 6am rolled around, he took some video of the rest of us working out, and off on his run he went. There is no stopping him - literally and figuratively!